Categories: Local, Marketing

Attitude Creativity

Local Shop

When discussing local online marketing services with potential clients, often the most resistant are small (and usually well-established) local businesses. A laundry list of excuses looks something like this:

  • People know who we are
  • People know where we are
  • We don’t sell online
  • We can’t afford it (or justify it)
  • We don’t use social media

Unfortunately for small businesses that think this way, any number of competitors exist or could arise that recognize that all these objections add up to a lack of understanding their customers, and a missed opportunity. A strong web presence is valuable for any business, essential for many, and absolutely critical for any local business looking to drive foot traffic. In fact, local online marketing is more important than ever.

Your customers are online

If you think your customers are only those who set foot in your store, restaurant, office, or service location, you’re ignoring the fact that your customer base also includes prospects (potential customers that you should be trying to convert into paying customers), and that they have to find you. If they don’t know either your name or location (or both), they’re not opening up a phone book. They’re turning to the internet—most likely a search engine for nearby listings, or a social media feed for advice.

Your competitors are online

If you don’t have a solid web presence, those customers searching online for services or products you provide won’t find you. Instead, they’ll find your competitors. For tech-first consumers, you are invisible, and you’ve lost a customer. And you don’t even have analytical data to tell you how many potential customers you’ve missed out on.

Local = mobile

Smartphone adoption has exploded to roughly 90% of internet users. The majority of Americans literally have the World Wide Web in their pocket, so it’s not surprising that almost half of internet searches start on mobile. It also makes a lot of sense that people searching for local businesses (locations, phone numbers, product and service comparisons) are doing it on the go, and then naturally letting their mobile device lead them directly to the doorstep of that local business they found. Because local search is so dependent on location, any business that doesn’t actively promote its presence will get left behind—and runs the risk of never being found by new customers.

“Click and collect” is exploding

Do you stock inventory and sell products? A fast-growing trend among retailers large and small is “click and collect”—customers can purchase online and pick up their order within hours at the local store. From apparel, to groceries and household supplies, to niche retail like books and musical instruments, shoppers are finding this type of ecommerce a new and handy convenience, but will grow to expect this capability as the option becomes more commonplace. If your competitors are already offering such services, it’s time to get on board to stay competitive with your local online marketing.

You’re talked about on social

Social media users have long talked about stores, restaurants, and service providers through their online conversations. Platforms like Facebook have recognized this and even offer a special post type for seeking recommendations from fellow users. Businesses can get in on the action and use the platform for online ordering, lead generation, appointment booking, and events management. Conversations are likely already happening about your business, and you should be part of it.

Where are your promotion dollars going?

Web development, profile creation and optimization, advertising, and marketing services require cash. But so do all your other promotion efforts. Rather than an expense, promotion is an investment in the growth of your business. What return are you getting from your current efforts? How can you tell? Digital marketing is highly measurable, and you can effectively determine ROI. Whether you add local internet marketing to offline efforts, replace current approaches, or create a mix somewhere in between, there’s no doubt that it’s no longer optional to join the digital wave.

Need help creating and executing an effecting online marketing plan for your local business? For marketing services (including SEO, advertising, and social media) and web development, book a call today!