Second Verse Podcast Pre-Interview

I’m so excited to interview you and share your story through Second Verse! I want you to feel comfortable and at ease, so here are some helpful details.

  • Set aside 10-15 minutes to complete the form. This helps guide our conversation for a great experience! You may want to draft your responses and copy them in, just in case there are any internet hiccups.
  • The podcast is audio and video, so you’ll want to plan accordingly.
  • Join the video call on a desktop or laptop computer, using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Pre-Interview Questionnaire

Second Verse Podcast Questionnaire (#9)

About You

How do you prefer your name in your introduction and throughout the interview?
How would you like to be introduced on the podcast?
Please list your platforms so I can share them in the show notes.
Photo will be used for promotion, including the episode cover of the podcast.

Your Music

Some description about this section

Provide one of the following below:

  • MP3 file, or
  • Downloadable MP3 link
Limit 12MB file size
e.g.,, Dropbox, Box, Drive, etc.

Your Music Journey

Creative Process & Influences
